Two amateur cooks explore the world of cooking for a Crohn's and Colitis diet

Archive for the ‘salt’ Category

Sultan’s Delight!


What’s on the menu today, Gutsy?

This past week, Marnina and I went on a Turkish kick.  We literally ate and prepared all things Turkish for lunch and dinner.  Marnina’s mother recently bought and sent us a signed copy of The Ottoman Turk and the Pretty Jewish Girl. It is a wonderful cookbook that should be on every foodie’s shelf (especially if you love Mediterranean cuisine!).  The pictures reminded us of our culinary journey through Turkey this past summer and left us yearning to recreate some of those memories in our kitchen.  While the recipes are simple and involve few and easy-to-find ingredients, most are not quick to prepare.  We had taken a cooking class in Istanbul and afterwards we had still not fully understood how many steps were involved in most of the dishes we had prepared.


I Be a fooDie’s New Addition

Marnina and I are proud to introduce the newest member of our I Be a fooDie team…. Gutsy!  Our new mascot Gutsy is a stuffed intestine created by our logo designer Shari Bodofsky.  While Gutsy may not enjoy long walks on the beach, he does enjoy educating and raising awareness about IBD.  We decided to unveil Gutsy in honor of IBD Awareness Week (Dec. 1 – Dec. 7). (more…)